The NorFish Platform is a product of the ERC Advanced grant funded NorFish project ‘The North Atlantic Fish Revolution - An Environmental History of the North Atlantic 1400-1700’ led by Professor Poul Holm of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities (TCEH) at Trinity College Dublin. The NorFish Platform is intended as a publishing platform for data and datasets pertaining to the NorFish project. 

The NorFish project focuses on the premise that a sixteenth century shift in marine fish pricing and supply in conjunction with the Little Ice Age and lowering of sea temperatures not only led to the rise to the North Atlantic Fish Revolution but also constituted one of the first documented examples of the disruptive effects of globalisation and climate change. In so doing, NorFish examines the role of the Fish Revolution for a range of inter-related aspects of North Atlantic history, with NorFish’s interdisciplinary team drawing on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to develop interpretative frameworks that synthesise a broad spectrum of source data to assess the overall objective of the project.

Poul Holm on the NorFish project

This Platform utilises Omeka, a free open source content management system developed by the Roy Rozenzwieg Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. The general public and researchers alike can explore the range of images and metadata via a search function and the platform allows maps adjudged to be of particular significance to be showcased within the featured collections function.

For website queries please email Richard Breen


